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What are the key points of daily maintenance of Small Fish Tank?

In order to ensure the stability of the ecological environment in your Small Fish Tank and provide a healthy and comfortable living environment for the fish, we have specially formulated the following professional daily maintenance guidelines.
1. Water level and water quality management
Water level maintenance: Please check the water level of the fish tank daily to ensure that the water level is maintained at an appropriate height. Use professional water replenishment tools to slowly add distilled water or dechlorinated tap water to avoid excessive fluctuations in water temperature.
Water quality monitoring: Water quality is the key to the stability of the fish tank ecology. It is recommended to perform partial water changes every week, usually replacing 1/4 to 1/3 of the water volume to keep the water fresh. When changing water, please use professional water change tools to ensure that the temperature of the new water is similar to that of the old water to reduce the impact on the fish.
2. Filter and cleaning
Filter maintenance: The filter is an important tool for keeping the water clean. Please check the operation of the filter regularly, and clean or replace consumables such as filter cotton to ensure the performance of the filter.
Fish tank cleaning: In addition to regular water changes, the inner wall of the fish tank should also be cleaned regularly. Use professional fish tank cleaning tools to gently wipe the inner wall of the fish tank to remove attached dirt and algae. Avoid using detergents containing irritating chemicals.
3. Feed and Nutrition Management
Feed delivery: Please reasonably control the amount of feed delivered to avoid excessive feed residue in the water causing water pollution. Choose appropriate feed according to the type, age and health of the fish, and ensure that the feed is fresh and free of mold.
Nutritional supplements: According to the needs of the fish, vitamin and mineral supplements can be added in appropriate amounts to enhance the immunity of the fish and promote its healthy growth.
4. Fish health observation
Daily observation: Please regularly observe the behavior, body shape and appetite of the fish to judge its health status. If there is any abnormality, please take appropriate measures to deal with it immediately.
Disease prevention and control: If the fish is found to have disease symptoms, such as white spot disease, saprolegniasis, etc., please isolate the sick fish immediately and use professional fish medicine for treatment. At the same time, strengthen the cleaning and disinfection of the fish tank to prevent the spread of disease.
By following the above professional daily maintenance guidelines, you can ensure the stability of the ecological environment in your small fish tank and provide a healthy and comfortable living environment for the fish.

Sensen Group Co., Ltd.
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