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How to solve the problem of excessive algae growth in Small Fish Tank?

The problem of excessive algae growth in Small Fish Tank can be solved from the following aspects:

Reduce nutrient input:
The main nutrients for algae growth are phosphates and nitrogen. Reduce overfeeding of fish food to avoid residual feed decomposition in the water to produce nutrients.
Regularly check and clean the silt and residual bait at the bottom of the fish pond. These organic substances will decompose to produce phosphates and nitrogen.
Avoid using detergents and fertilizers containing phosphorus, which may enter the fish pond through water changes and other channels.
Control light and temperature:
Algae grows through photosynthesis, and reducing light intensity can inhibit its growth. Consider adding shading facilities above the fish pond or using darker container covers.
High temperatures increase the metabolic rate of algae and increase its growth rate. If possible, place the fish pond in a cooler temperature and avoid direct sunlight.
Enhance water circulation and filtration:
Install a water pump or aerator to enhance the circulation and flow of water, so that algae are not easy to accumulate and reproduce in the fish pond.
Establish a complete filtration system, including physical filtration and biological filtration, to filter out nutrients such as ammonia, nitrogen, and nitrates in time, and reduce the nutrients required for algae growth.
Introduce beneficial microorganisms:
Introduce beneficial microorganisms that can consume nutrients in the water and reduce the reproduction of algae through biological competition.
Use chemical algaecides:
In cases, chemical algaecides such as copper sulfate can be used to quickly remove algae. However, it should be noted that such chemical agents may have adverse effects on fish and water bodies. When using them, they must be operated strictly in accordance with the instructions and pay attention to the reaction of fish. At the same time, detoxification or water changes should be carried out in time after use to avoid long-term effects of chemical residues on water bodies.
Regular water changes:
Regularly replace part of the fish pond water, especially when the phosphate level in tap water is very low (1ppm or below). By changing the water, the phosphate content in the fish pond can be effectively reduced, thereby inhibiting the growth of algae. It is recommended to change 30% of the water every day, and 70% of the green algae will disappear after a week.
Check and maintain equipment:
Check pumps and other equipment regularly to ensure they are operating properly and to avoid algae growth caused by equipment failure.
Clean up algae attached to pumps and other equipment to prevent it from affecting the normal operation of the equipment.

Sensen Group Co., Ltd.
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